Birth of Baby Boomers
We boomers were born in a magical time! Our parents, and the free world, had just united to defeat Hitler in WWII.Having "saved the world", this created a wave of optimism and the "Baby Boom". This national erection spawned the largest growth spurt in American history, or as I like to call it, the "baby bang". Tract housing, schools, inventions, TV shows; we Baby Boomers couldn't be given enough. For a decade, we warmly settled into the Cold War. Then came the sixties. The honeymoon was over for both generations. From that point on, an unprecedented sequence of events occurred at lightning speed creating a "shocking cultural fallout" that is still shaping history today.

The Cycle of Life (regeneration)
Each new generation rejects the previous one but in turn accepts that same generation by becoming it, which now is rejected by the one following it. To bridge the generational gap, one must be generationally bilingual. There is validity to the ancient cliché "what goes around comes around" which is transformed to its closure as "What WENT around CAME BACK Around."